ICF Investigation Report: Taipei ranked the fourth place in worldwide intelligent cities.

E040114Z7 Feb. 2004(E51)

According to the latest investigation report published by the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) of World Transhumanist Association (WTA), Taipei City ranked the fourth place last year, being one of the top seven intelligent cities in the world for the first time, which demonstrates that Taipei was successfully transformed from a high-tech industrialized city to a digital city and also that Taipei has kept abreast of the high-quality cities in Britain, American and Japan.


Taipei City was selected as the top fourth intelligent city in the world, mainly because Taiwan was the top third supplier area of computers and computer-related equipments. The capital Taipei city inhabited by 2.6 million people has two high-tech parks, that is, “Nankang Software Park” (software design) and “Neihu Technology Park” (communication and bio-technology). (2004.01)


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