ezPeer Accused of Offering Movie Downloads by Eight Leading American Movie Studios.

E040212X3 Mar. 2004(E52)

On February 11, 2004, eight leading American movie studios, including Walt Disney Studio, authorized the Foundation for the Protection of Film and Video Works (FVMP) to accuse the well-known MP3 downloading website in Taiwan, ezPeer, of its violation of the Copyright Law. It was understood that Walt Disney Studio, etc. considered that ezPeer’s offer of movie downloads to the users through the P2P platform had caused huge damages to the film makers.


The two leading MP3 downloading websites in Taiwan, Kuro and ezPeer were successively indicted for their violation of the Copyright Law by Shilin District Prosecutor’s Office in the end of 2003 due to their offer of music downloading to the users. (2004.02)


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