The Scope of the Target of Reduction or Exemption of Annual Patent Fee Is Broadened.

E040207Y1 Mar. 2004(E52)

In order to actualize the goals of the Patent Law to stimulate and encourage natural person, schools, and medium-small enterprises’ invention and creation, and effectively use their patent rights, the Ministry of Economic Affairs announced on February 6, 2004 that from July 1, the target of exemption or reduction of annual patent fee will include not only those unable to pay the annual patent fee but also natural persons, schools, and medium-small enterprises. The annual patent fees exempted or reduced per year and per case are that in the amount of NT$800 in the first three years, and that in the amount of NT$1,200 in the 4th to 6th years, at the reduction or exemption rate of 30%. (2004.02)


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