For Taiwan Industry, Number of Patents Ranks 4th Worldwide, While Patent Quality Lags Behind the Patens of G7 and South Korea.

E040423Y1 Jan. 2004(E54)

According to a research promulgated by the National Science Council in Taiwan, Taiwan’s patent number obtained in the U.S. has ranked 4th in the U.S. since 2000, second only to that of the U.S., Japan, and Germany, while patent quality lags behind that of G7 (Group of Seven), even behind South Korea that is ranking 7th, in terms of indexes of originality and scientific correlation. Except for Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan, colleges’ and other governmental research institutes’ performance is considerably inferior, and that deserves the government’s and the relevant research departments’ highly attention.


Such investigation report, “Small & Medium Enterprises’ Contribution and Limitation to Taiwan’s Research Competitiveness: Comparison between Taiwan’s and G7’s Patent Quality”, demonstrates that though Taiwan obtained its first patent in the U.S. in 1973, Taiwan’s total patent number has ranked 4th in the world since 2000, and Taiwan has obtained 4302 patents in average per year up to this year. (2003.04)


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