The Inferior Tea from China Is Frequently Sold in the Name of A-Li Mountain Tea.

E040429Y2 Jan. 2004(E54)

Chiayi County Government integrates mountain tea marketing and establishes self-developed brand and anti-counterfeiting labels, whereas tea farmers had uncovered tea counterfeit in their observation tours in China during two consecutive years. Such counterfeits not only are packed exquisitely but also bear the title and address of Chiayi County Tea Promotion Center or Committee, etc., while such indications are all fabricated and such counterfeits are of bad quality. For the above circumstance, Meishan Farmer’s Association and Meishan Village Office held a press conference on April 28, 2004, blasting the tea merchants’ counterfeiting A-Li Mountain Tea in China since such counterfeiting act has seriously injured Taiwanese tea farmers’ rights and goodwill. They also announced the determination to formally apply for trademark registration in China so as to fight illegal merchants in China. (2003.04)


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