Disputes getting intense between record companies and P2P services providers; P2P services providers fighting to enact law to compensate for the copyrights

E040421Y3 Jan. 2004(E54)

The disputes between IFPI and P2P services providers are getting intense. An associated company of IFPI also filed for a preliminary injunction against two providers -- KURO and EZPEER -- after their litigations at the end of last year, hoping to ban surfers from sharing songs that are copyrighted through the Internet. P2P services providers have formed an industrial alliance for the purpose of establishing a new rule for the industry through the enactment of ‘Compensation for Copy Rights’.


Nevertheless, IFPI believes that in the international market the aforesaid system only applies to the mechanical devices or media which relate to reproducing or recording, such as tape recorders, video recorders, CD burners, cassette tapes, video tapes…etc. And, the fact there is no case found that applies to P2P’s technical services.(2003.04)


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