European Union’s Microsoft Judgment causes ripples in Taiwan Consumer Foundation, Taiwan Taipei, demands a second trial for Microsoft’s case being under suspicion of violating Fair Trade Law

E040402Y4 Jan. 2004(E54)

The European Union has just ruled that Microsoft will have to pay 0.497 billion which is equivalent to NT$20.2 billion for its Window’s monopoly and unfair business practices. In response to the decision, the Consumer Foundation, based in Taipei, held a press conference yesterday, demanding the Fare Trade Commission, Executive Yuan, to investigate the case against Microsoft. The Customer’s Foundation, vows to report to the authority, if the association fails to respond within a week.


With respect to the requisitions made by the Consumer Foundation, the Fair Trade Commission said that they would continue to watch over Microsoft and make sure that they carry out the administrative settlement agreement. However, in order to deal with the possible effect on the industry and consumers caused by the punishment imposed on Microsoft by the E.U., the Fare Trade Commission has already issued a letter demanding for an explanation from Microsoft. (2003.04)


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