Case concerns Forged paintings; U.S. prosecutors come to Taiwan search evidence and interrogate two victims

E040423Z5 Jan. 2004(E54)

U.S. authority is investigating a transnational fraud case of fake reknown paintings. Many victims are found to be Taiwanese art traders and collectors. The American prosecutors have been investigating the case for three years, and they arrested the American chief suspect last month. The American prosecutors have been assigned to collect evidence in Taiwan through a mutual judiciary channel between Taiwan and America. They will also be using the Taipei District Court for their interrogations on two of the victims. This is the first investigation for the Americans prosecutors to use Taiwanese courtrooms.


In accordance with the Judiciary Cooperation Agreement between Taiwan and the U.S., the U.S. judiciary personnel are allowed to acquire oral evidence, court evidence and at the same time be able to conduct search and seizure. (2003.04)


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