Merchandise Certificate; bilingual mark is to get afoot on June 25.

E040527Y9 Mar. 2004(E55)

The newly amended “Merchandise Marks Act” will be taken into the effect on June 25, the central authority, Ministry of Economic Affairs proposed a concept of “Merchandise Certificate” prior to the implementation of the new law and to call on the entrepreneurs’ attention to be self-disciplined, public self-aware, establish a better commercial environment.


The President promulgated the new amended Merchandise Marks Act last year on June 25. However, after a year’s cushioning propaganda, it is set to betaken the effect from June 25 this year. The amended Merchandise Marks Act will bring‘通路商’ into the line with its scope of the appliances, and stipulated that marks for merchandise should all give a clear indication of the country of origin bilingually, the Chinese indications should not be any less simplified than the indications issued from the country of origin. The mark should have an indication of the instruction, whereas eatable products should have indications on the ways of taking it and way of preserving it along with special line for consumer service so as to protect consumers right.


The providers can be fined an amount between NT$20,000 and NT$200,000 if any of their marks provided do not fit the requirement stipulated in the new amended law and fail to make any improvement within a limited of time, the punishment can be imposed consecutively, the ones that are under severe circumstances, they could be asked to stop selling the products in related, their business is in the jeopardous of being suspended or shut down temporary.  The competent authority is entitled to proclaim the name of the entrepreneur, location and the name of the product. (2004.05)


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