Faulty vehicles recalled; Ministry of Transportation and Communications stipulates special regulation.

E040510Y9 Mar. 2004(E55)

The vehicles-recalled measures that prevalent among many foreign countries is about to handover to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications to set up special regulations to manage, demand the car dealers to recall vehicles once a major or serious incident happens, otherwise shall be imposed a fine of NT$1,500,000 utmost in accordance with the consumer Protection Law and Highway Law, along with being halted with the work of manufacturing importing or dispensing, ultimately the right of the consumers are under the protection of law.


In view of the fact that the disputes of the explosions of vehicles happens all the time, for the purpose of establishing a better and safer investigations for vehicles and recall the revised supervising system, the Ministry of transportation and communication has drawn up “Regulations of investigations for vehicles safety and the revision of the Supervising System”, and stipulate explicitly in writing that all vehicles, the manufacturers of the bodies of vehicles or vehicles importing companies/importers and other entrepreneur, for the vehicles that have been sold, when substantial facts of stand to demonstrate the possibility of putting their safety in danger, all vehicles should be recalled for rectification, and that the related fee-to-pay will be in the car dealers’ responsibility to bear. In addition, they should also release public notices in mass transportations or use other effective ways to notify car owners,, but if the car owners do not set forth a rectification plan for the vehicles recalled in accordance with the stipulations or to notify people who have been call for rectification, shall be imposed a fine of NT$60,000 to NT$1500,000 under the provision of Article 58 of the consumer Protection Law. (2004.05)


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