Philips’ Further Manipulation Makes DVD-R Discs Imported by Taiwanese Disc Manufacturer to Europe Detained at the Customs.

E040629X1 Apr. 2004(E56)

Although Europe-based Philips has lost the infringement lawsuit brought against Taiwanese disc manufacturers in the US, it remains domineering over Taiwanese manufacturers in Europe, causing some Taiwanese manufacturers’ discs imported to Europe to be detained by the customs, and transference of order for discs.


According to the European large distributor, E-NET’s statement, they have suffered a huge loss arising from their orders with a certain Taiwanese disc manufacturer because Philips requested the customs to detain the containers of such orders. E-NET is planning to take legal actions to request for payment refund and indemnification. 11 containers, holding 8,600,000 pieces of DVD-R in total of E-NET alone, were detained, and similar cases occurred to other manufacturers as well. (2004.06)


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