Tokyo Customs Prohibits the Import of Teco’s 20 Sharp Fights AU Optronics; A Fight for Market Defense Opens.

E040627X1・E040613X1 Apr. 2004(E56)

Sharp Corp. considers that AU Optronics’ (AUO) faceplate used in Teco’s (Teco Electronic & Machinery Co., Ltd.) 20" LCD TV marketed to Japan infringes Sharp’s patent, thus on June 7 petitioning Tokyo District Court for preliminary injunction to prohibit Teco’s company in Japan, Sankyo Co., Ltd. (三協株式), from selling this kind of LCD TV. Further, Sharp Corp. applied for prohibition against import of this kind of LCD TV with Tokyo Customs on June 8, and Tokyo Customs stated that they had accepted this application a few days ago.


On June 25, Teco Electronic & Machinery Co., Ltd. and Sankyo Co., Ltd. jointly commented on this matter and stated that “we have taken the initiative in stopping importing this kind of TV since June 8. AUO thinks their faceplate does not infringe Sharp’s patent. We will cooperate with AUO and remain stern in response to Sharp’s petition for preliminary injunction with Tokyo District Court.”


Teco’s sale channel in Japan, AEON, released the news on June 12 that they had negotiated with Sharp to withdraw Teco’s product involved in this infringement dispute. (2004.06)


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