Taiwan Copyright Protection Association Is Instituted.

E040615X3 Apr. 2004(E56)

In view of the public’s shaky concept of IPR that ultimately leads to the most serious threats to copyright, organizations, such as, International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), collaboratively institute “Taiwan Copyright Protection Association” by breaking through the boundaries among all industries and held a ceremony for the institution of Taiwan Copyright Protection Association on June 15, 2004.


This Association is instituted by IFPI, the Association of Recording Copyright Owners (ARCO), the Audiovisual Music Copyright Owner Association (AMCO), Business Software Alliance (BSA), Music Publishers Association (MPA), Taiwan Book Publishers Association (TBPA), Music Publishers Association of Chinese Taipei, Music Copyright Intermediary Society of Chinese Taipei (MUST), and Taipei Theater Association, together with the proprietors in the audiovisual and publishing business.


After Taiwan’s entry in WTO, the Copyright Law in Taiwan has been amended for several times with the hope that content and spirit of the Law can meet international standards. However, the Copyright Law here, after several amendments, still fails to meet the standards kept by the advanced countries due to the hindrance of multiple factors. Such a failure has kept Taiwan on the “priority watch list of the Special 301” for four times. Under international pressure, some people seem ignorant of Taiwan’s inevitable responsibility and obligations as a member of the global village. (2004.06)


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