Taiwan Art Licensing Center’s Participation in the Show in New York. Cultural Creative Industry of Taiwan Is Marketed in International Fair through the Collaboration among Industry, Government, and Academia.

E040610X3 Apr. 2004(E56)

In the Licensing International Show 2004 held in New York, Artkey Art Licensing Center from Taiwan for the first time entered into international market to display the licensed pottery and porcelain bearing artists’ works and paintings, and thus attracted every participant’s attention.


Licensing International Show 2004 is known as the largest-scaled artistic exhibition and has been held for 24 consecutive years. Artkey, in the title of “Taiwan Image Center”, marketed several tens of thousands of paintings and calligraphies and many masters’ works from National Palace Museum with Taiwan art’s brand and situation device. Taiwan’s art entered into the international IPR market. To put it simply, art licensing, with artists’ license, creates additional values to artistic works, for example, by putting pattern design on pottery, watches, bedding, mouse pad, or even mobile phone housings. In this way, ordinary life is immersed in art.


Converging the support from National Palace Museum, National Science and Technology Program for E-Learning, National Digital Archives Program, and non-governmental enterprise, such as, HP Development Company, etc., this artistic participation is an unprecedented undertaking that markets Taiwan to the international world through the cooperation among industry, government, and academia of local cultural creative industry. (2004.06)


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