Taiwan’s Range of Fall In Piracy Tops the Globe, IIPA Announce.

E040618Y3 Apr. 2004(E56)

The Premier of the Executive Yuan Yu Shyi-Kun declared yesterday that after the year of Intellectual Property Protection Movement, 2002, the government would continue to draft the “Three-Year Project of Completing Intellectual Property Protection Movement.” (2003 to 2005)   


International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA) of the United States recently announced that piracy in game software in our country had a tremendous downfall from 56%, 2002 to 42%, piracy in music decreased from 47% to 42%, piracy in business software dropped from 53%, 2001 to the current 41%. The range of fall was top of the globe. The estimated compensation for infringement was greatly reduced from 8 hundred and 48 million U.S. Dollars, 2002 to 4 hundred 53 million U.S. Dollars.


The amount of money detained by the U.S. customs on account of our exporting goods suspect of involving infringement has been hugely lowered from 26 million 50 hundred thousand U.S.D, 2002 to 61 hundred thousand U.S.D, and it was even more substantially lowered to 60 thousand U.S.D in the first half of 2004, showing that the Border Control Measure has had its effect. (2004.06)


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