Ministry of Justice urged establishment of Personal Data Protection Committee.

E040607Y6 Apr. 2004(E56)

There has been a serious spate of personal data leaks in public organizations and financial institutions. The Ministry of Justice has drafted a proposal to Administrative Yuan to propose establishment of “Personal Data Protection Committee,” a responsible organization of central administrative level, equivalent to The Council of Labor Affairs and Fair Trade Committee, to protect personal data nationwide.


According to the statistics from Privacy Knowledge Base of the United States, fifty-four countries in the world and one special administrative region (Hong Kong) have constituted relevant “Personal Data Protection” laws and agreements. And forty-one countries out of fifty-four and the special administrative region have instituted “responsible organizations” in charge of protecting personal data. They are mostly European and American advanced or developing countries. It shows that citizens’ personal data and rights of privacy are respected by the government and protected by policy. (2004.06)


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