Combat Against Infringement Works; The Value of the Counterfeits Confiscated Dropped Dramatically to US$60,000; Not listed in the Top 10.

E040611Z8 Apr. 2004(E56)

The value of counterfeits that the U.S. customs confiscated during the first half of the fiscal year of 2004 has fallen from US$25,400,000 in 2002 and US$320,000 in 2003 to US$60,000 respectively, again, was not listed in the Top 10. 


In accordance with the statistics on imported counterfeits confiscated released by the “Bureau of Customs and Border Protection, CBP,” U.S. Department of Homeland Security and “Immigration and Customs Enforcement”, there were only 27 counterfeits confiscated by U.S. Customs during the first half of fiscal year 2004 (Oct.1, 2003 - March 31, 2004). The total value of goods confiscated has dropped to US$60,000. Most counterfeits confiscated were CD-ROM products that are of lesser concern to American business enterprises. This reveals the fact that our current investigative means for protecting Intellectual Properties Rights, as well as Border Control Measures adopted, have been continuously brought into full play. (2004.06) 




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