Rivalry with Competitors’ Trademarks, Tsann Kuen Scooping Registration in China Caused Disputes.

E040730X2 May. 2004(E57)

Daiichi, UNC and TomNet have made a joint statement yesterday regarding their trademarks being scooped and registered by Tsann Kuen in China.  They demanded Tsann Kuen to run an immediate apology notice in the newspapers and contact these three companies spontaneously within a week to complete transferring trademark rights as to display its ample sincerity of repentance. 


Other than requesting an apology notice in the newspapers, the three companies also asked Tsann Kuen to explicitly clarify whether its subsidiary in China “Xiamen Tsann Kuen” had conducted merchandise manufacturing, domestic and overseas sales, in-store retailing or any other relevant manufacturing and selling behaviors with trademarks of these three companies.  If it had, Tsann Kuen then must pay off every tax payment, stipulated fee and tax arrear in relation to any manufacturing and selling behavior undertaken by using trademarks of these three companies.


DEODEO, the Japanese joint venture with Daiichi, also expressed that they owned the registered “Daiichi” and what Tsann Kuen had done was commercially unethical.  If Tsann Kuen does not handle the trademark issue properly and straightforwardly, DEODEO will be considering pulling Eupa and Fujimaru products manufactured by Tsann Kuen off the shelves.  Japan has been the major exporting market of Tsann Kuen’s “Fujimaru” household appliances. (2004.7)


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