Taiwan’s Piracy Rate Ranked 25th in the World.

E040709X3 May. 2004(E57)

Business Software Alliance (BSA) announced an investigation report in terms of the 2003 global software piracy on July 8.  The piracy rate in Taiwan was 43%, which corresponded with the rate in 2002 and 10% less than in 2001.  The amount of loss in software industries summed up to US$ 139 million (equivalent to NT$4.9 billion).  The prevalence of DSL has allowed numerous people to use the Internet as an important channel for piracy, BSA indicated, this will become a serious issue that is not to be overlooked. 


The 2003 global piracy rate was 36%.  As a result of piracy, the amount of loss in global software industries reached US$20.9 billion.  The piracy rate in Asia-Pacific area was 53%.  Taiwan’s 43% piracy rate ranked 25th in the world and 4th in Asia-Pacific area (next to Japan, New Zealand and Australia). (2004.7)


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