Nano-Technology Hallmark Mechanism to be introduced end of the month; open applications for everyday commodities by the year-end.

E040707Y5 May. 2004(E57)

The Ministry of Economics Affairs gives an impetus to Nano Technology Hallmark Mechanism.  It is to be expected that qualified Nano Technology Hallmarks will be decided, and that the Ministry of Economic Affairs will empower Taiwan Nano Technology Industry Development Council to issue hallmarks.  Further, this will also be the first Nano hallmark in the world.  Applications will be opened for 1 to 2 items of merchandise that use Nano technology.


Industrial Development Bureau, the Ministry of Economics Affairs, said that in order to protect consumers’ rights and to preclude the possibility of misleading consumers, they encourage factory owners with good reputation to consider operating in a long term, enhancing their international competitiveness in Nano industry, and refer to the domestic environmental protection, energy consumption economizing, CAS food products, GMP and other successful hallmarks, establish application and inspection system, and examination mechanism.


For the purpose of popularizing Nano trademark and giving impetus to the system for Nano products, executing projects and authenticating them by the Center for Measurement Standards (CMS) of the Industrial Technology Research Institute, forming a Verification Commission for Nano Products. 


The said commission members should include representatives from government, academia and other relevant organizations.  It mainly examines Nano Hallmark cases with regard to granting or revocation of licenses and gives an impetus to the international exchange of Nano products’ verification.


Additionally, the commission which is formed by representatives of government, academia and other relevant organizations will set up the standards for classification, items, product names, specifications, identities, tests for Nano products to be examined, and examine the applications submitted by factory owners who wish to apply for the Nano verification, and give advices on the result. (2004.7)


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