The Number of Taiwan’s Invention Patents Granted by the US Ranks No.4 Around the World.

E040819Y1 Jun. 2004(E58)

  Department of Industrial Technology, Ministry of Economic Affairs announced on August 18, 2004 that Taiwan’s brilliant achievement in its invention patents granted in the US is reflected by the total patent number, patent applications per million persons, and patent intensity, which respectively ranked 4th, 3rd, and 4th worldwide in 2003. Also, Taiwan’s prominence in semi-conductor processing equipments and LCD monitors displays the sustainable competitiveness in Taiwan industrial technology.


  Research reveals that Taiwan’s R&D investment amount ranked 11th in the world in 2002, and the R&D investment in industrial department ranked 12 globally. Likewise, macro R&D’s ratio to GDP and industrial R&D investment’s ratio to industrial added value promptly surge as well. (2004.08)


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