Seizing piracy in enterprise starts in October. Rewards for reporting is raised in hope of lowering piracy rate under 40%.

E040811Y3 Jun. 2004(E58)

Enforcement of tracking down piracy among enterprise has started again, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, National Police Agency and Business Software Alliance (BSA) announced yesterday that they would be launching an enforcement of seizing piracy since October 1.  During the 45 days of promulgation period before the strict raid, the government and BSA will both provide great amount of rewards for reporting along with the software discount worthy of 100 thousand dollars in anticipation of decreasing the informational software piracy rate in Taiwan to less than 40%.


In terms of rewards for reporting, BSA will raise the reward from 300 thousand dollars utmost to 1 million and the government will also offer rewards ranging from 1 million to 10 million dollars for reporting pirate disc manufacturers.  By the statistics of the Intellectual Property Office, over 20 million dollars were given last year.  Uncovering of the piracy factory in April this year was worth 5 million dollars reward. (2004.08)


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