Chairman of German Federal Patent Court visits Taiwan.

E040816Z1 Jun. 2004(E58)

Dr. Hans-Georg Landfermann, Chairman of the German Federal Patent Court will pay a six-day visit to Taiwan from the 17th to the 22nd of August upon the invitation from the Minister of Foreign Affairs. During the visit, Dr. Landfermann intends to visit the Minister of Justice, the Director of Intellectual Property Office, legislators and others as well as National Palace Museum and Kenting National Park.  Dr. Landfermann gained his doctoral degree of Judicial Science (doctor der rechts wissenschaft) from University of Freiburg, passed the National Bar Examination in 1968, served as the president of German Patent and Trademark Office of German Department of Justice (Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt of Bundesministerium der Justiz) since January 2000, Chairman of the German Federal Patent Court (Bundespatentgericht) since 2001 and has been amiable to Taiwan. (2004.08)


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