Application for Patent Priority Entails Electronic and Written Forms of Documentation.

E040917Y1 Oct. 2004(E59)

United States Patent and Trademark Office announced a few days ago, patent priority documentation will be issued in electronic form. Since Taiwan still adopts paper copies for inspection, applicants will have to bring forth both their discs as well as the paper copies of printed information of electronic files.


After our country has officially joined World Trade Organization (WTO), Article 27 of the Patent Law was amended in accordance with the acknowledgement of patent priority rights of WTO member countries. Within 12 months after applying for patents legally overseas for the first time, applicants may claim international priority rights when applying for patents in our country with the same inventions. In reference to Article 28 of the Patent Law and Article 4 D (1) of Paris Convention, those who apply for patent priority rights must file a declaration and state in applications the date of application overseas and the country that processes the application. Furthermore, within four months after the date of application, the applicants must submit documentation that proves the approval of the said country.


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