Specialized Intellectual Property Court Is about to Be Established.

E040901Y6 Oct. 2004(E59)

The significant decision of “specialized intellectual property court” has been finally made by the Judicial Yuan. The Judicial Yuan on September 2, 2004, invited the enterprise, officialdom, and scholar’s assist, such as, Euro-Us Chamber of Commerce in Taipei and Intellectual Property Office to confer on relevant matters pertaining to the establishment of the “specialized intellectual property court”. Substantial issues deliberated are specified as follows: whether the specialized intellectual property court’s judicial authority covers civil, criminal, and administrative actions; whether it should be established either on the basis of two trial-two level or three trial-three level systems; whether it should be situated adjacent to the Intellectual Property Office, the Ministry of Economic Affairs; whether the system of judges with specialized skills should be established; what areas and what cases should such court’s authority covers. The forthcoming establishment of the specialized intellectual property court not only signifies the revolutionary reformation of judicial system in Taiwan, but also sets up an epochal landmark for knowledge industry of future mainstream economic development.


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