BURBERRYS CHECK Protected by the Trademark Law. Internet Rumor Untrue.

E041030Y2・E041029Y2 Nov. 2004(E60)

The British name brands BURBERRY and DAKS have both been famous for their check patterns and have completed trademark registration in our country.  However, an Internet news article pointed out lately, BURBERRY’s trademark rights to the registered BURBERRYS CHECK (Trademark No. 906192 and No. 905930) do not exist.  Consequently, it would be free of charges even if one is caught with counterfeiting.  The Intellectual Property Office urgently clarified yesterday, BURBERRY’s registered trademark rights are protected by the Trademark Law.  Any act of infringement, other than the civil compensation will also be charged with criminal responsibility.


The head of the Trademark Department of IPO, Wong Mei-Hua said, BURBERRY’s black, red, beige mixed patterns have been approved trademark registration since 2000 and its words and pattern logo have been approved even earlier.  DAKS’ plaid colored patterns have been registered in Taiwan as well.  In other words, the plaid patterns of these two companies are protected by Chapter 7 and 9 of the Trademark Law.  The Internet source is erroneous.  Relevant businesses or agents shall respect others’ intellectual property rights in case for the unnecessary lawsuits. (2004.10)


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