E-Trade Net at the Cost of 1 Billions Will Open Trading to a Paperless Age in 2005.

E041012Y8 Nov. 2004(E60)

The government pours 1 billions into the “e-trade net” platform, which will be put online from January of 2005. Dealers will be able to accomplish import and export application by submitting papers of customs declaration, examination, inspection, and quarantine via “e-trade net”, which opens up a paperless system for Taiwan trading.


Bureau of Foreign Trade predicts that use of the “e-trade net” in 2005 will enable the dealers to apply for import and export business simply via such a single channel of e-platform, which will largely shorten more than one-half time regularly spent in such application and the trading transaction costs saved per year are estimated to be 2 billions.


“Trade Facilitation” is a significant project under the “operation headquarters” of the Executive Yuan’s 2008 project challenges. The Bureau of Foreign Trade has completed integrating the examination of the Bureau of Foreign Trade, Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, and Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine. The e-trade net will be put online from January of 2005; then, 85% of the import and export applications in Taiwan will be made via the e-trade net, while the remaining 15% of examination will also be accomplished online in 2006. (2004.10)


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