First Group of Medical Arbitrators Including 37 Doctors, Dentists, and Professors Complete Their Training.

E041019Y9 Nov. 2004(E60)

37 doctors, dentists, and professors from universities recently have been trained by the Arbitration Association of ROC to act as the first group of “medical arbitrators” in Taiwan. In the future, medical disputes arising between the public and the doctors may be referred to arbitration by the Arbitration Association of ROC in addition to resorting to litigation and mediation by county-wide medical review committee, medical association, and district committee of mediation.


The Arbitration Association will provide the list of arbitrators for the patient and the patient’s family to choose one as their arbitrator. The doctor in such dispute who also agrees with going to arbitration can also choose one arbitrator from such list. Further, the two appointed arbitrators who are chosen by the doctor and the patient respectively shall further jointly designate a third arbitrator to be the chair. Arbitration should be conducted within 6 months with the three appointed arbitrators’ professional judgment.


As soon as both the patient and the doctor agree with arbitration and give their written consent, they should both abide by the arbitration result and should not file a complaint with the court since the arbitration result equals to a finalized civil judgment. (2004.10)


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