Application for Animal and Plant Patents Hoped to Loosen Up. Initially Opened up Patents for Stem Cells, Genes, Species and etc.

E041113Y1 Dec. 2004(E61)

In response to the request of The Association of European Chambers of Commerce, the Intellectual Property Right Office of the Ministry of Economic Affairs tentatively decided to open up animal and plant patents, which encompassed the stem cells of animals and plants, genes, species and etc. It was expected that once the patents were open for application, it may propel the domestic bio-technology industry to develop vigorously.


According to the analysis from the Department of Industrial Technology, the Ministry of the Economic Affairs, the market for the global bio-technology industry was roughly worth 8.4 billion US dollars. It was estimated that by 2007 the market for the global bio-technology industry shall reach 129.7 billion US dollars. With a strong faith in this sunrise industry, the Council For Economic Planning and Development has listed bio-tech medicine manufacturing as one of the three star industries in “Challenge 2008 National Principal Development Plan”.


“Animal and Plant Patent” was a principal auxiliary measure in developing bio-tech medicine manufacturing. Back in 2002 when the Patent Law was being substantially amended, controversies had been triggered as in whether “Animal and Plant Patent” should be included. However, due to the high-rise opposition, this proposal was vetoed during the inspection by the board of Legislative Yuan. (2004.11)


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