US-Taiwan TIFA Talks Resumed on November 29, 2004 in Washington, D.C. Especially on the Issues of IPR, Telecommunications, Pharmaceuticals, and Agriculture.

E041125Y5・E041125Z5 Dec. 2004(E61)

After a long period of postponement, US-Taiwan TIFA talks resumed in Washington, D.C. on November 29 and 30, 2004 on the issues of agriculture, IPR, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, and also trade issues under the US-Taiwan future cooperation.


On September 19, 1994, US and Taiwan formally signed the “Trade and Investment Framework Agreement” in Washington, D.C. and initiated the first TIFA talks in the following year, and further the second and third talks in 1997 and 1998, respectively. However, due to the US’ dissatisfaction with Taiwan’s failure to carry out commitments to IPR protection, TIFA talks has been postponed since the 3rd TIFA talks. TIFA talks resumed due to the US’s appreciation of Taiwan’s amendment to the Copyright Law passed in 2004, active promotion of IPR protection, and intensive raid on infringing act. Beyond that, the amount and quantity of the counterfeits seized by the US customs sharply drop. TIFA talks resumed accordingly. (2004.11)



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