FTC fined Yahoo NT$200,000 for copying PChome's web content Yam vs. Yahoo case over content copying ended with settlement

E030304X3 Apr. 2003(E43)

Shortly after settling a lawsuit with Yam on the charge of content copying, Taiwan's No. 1 internet gateway, Yahoo!Kimo, is faced with another complaint filed by PChome Online, which accused "Digital Camera Room", a virtual store run by Yahoo!Kimo, of copying the web content from PChome Online's "Digital Camera Store".  After investigating into this matter, FTC on March 3 announced its decision to fine Yahoo!Kimo and its cooperation partner, Tomorrow World Computer Co., Ltd., for NT$200,000 and NT$300,000 respectively on the ground that such copying is capable of affecting trading order in violation of the Fair Trade Law.


  Yahoo!Kimo said it would appeal the decision to FTC.  However, PChome Online has initiated a civil action against Yahoo!Kimo under the Copyright Law over content copying, and, according to PChome Online, it has no plan to withdraw the action. 


Translated by Jem Chung
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