Promoting digital content industry: MOEA to establish investment appraisal center

E030301Y5 Apr. 2003(E43)

    In light of South Korea's plan to establish itself as the world's digital content hub in 2005, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, in order to catch up with South Korea, decides to set up an appraisal center for digital content investment, formulate a financing and collateral program to provide financial subsidies, and proposes to follow the example of the biotech industry by allocating seed money as venture capital funds for venture capitalists investing on digital content industry, and increase Development Fund's capital input from 30 % to 45 %. 


    In its plan to promote the development of digital content industry, the MOEA proposes the following four measures: (1) Establish a digital content college to cultivate moderately to highly professional talents specializing in digital content, such as video game design and production, and computer animation design and development; (2) Establish an industrial support center to help develop software programs running on world-class video game consoles; set up a game engine and technical support and testing center for on-line games; provide such incentives as low-interest loans and capital subsidies for quality products; assist companies to carry out international cooperation and development projects; (3) Establish an investment appraisal center to boost the investment willingness of domestic capital providers such as banks, and evaluate major investment projects in digital content industry to facilitate financing and compete for investment; (4) International marketing: following the example of South Korea and Canada to set up a virtue museum to promote Taiwan's national image; holding international forums and striving for the opportunity to host international fairs.  


Translated by Jem Chung
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