Cross-examination system to be fully enforced from Sep 1; serious insufficiency of manpower to be encountered by prosecutors and police officers

E030320Y6 Apr. 2003(E43)

The cross-examination system applied to criminal cases, one of the most significant reforms to the judicial history of this country, will be fully enforced from Sep 1, 2003. However, prosecutors and police officers whom will be influenced by the new system the most are going to encounter double pressure of insufficient manpower and experience.


After the enforcement of the new system, judges of criminal courts will play the role of simply listening to the case. Therefore, prosecutors and defendants’ advocates shall be responsible for presenting evidence and attacking or defending.  Meanwhile, during the period for cross-examination, the competent police officers may need to appear in court to testify and answer questions. This fact will certainly affect their normal duties.        


Translated by Joanne Lue
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