Precedent given by Supreme Court said defendants may bring extraordinary appeal, if they miss being defended in suit

E030312Y9 Apr. 2003(E43)

  The Meeting of criminal tribunal of the Supreme Court approved unanimously a precedent yesterday, in order to protect defendants’ human rights.  In the past, not any remedies were available to the defendants who missed defense from advocates assigned by competent courts and then were convicted to punishment.  Nevertheless, from now on, they may bring extraordinary appeals on the ground of the precedent to secure the remedy by re-trial.


   The precedent as approved by the Supreme Court was given against Jang Jr-wen, who committed the offense of kidnapping for ransom and killing the victim.  He is the first criminal in the judicial history who was ordered to be suspended from execution after having been convicted to death and meant to be executed by shooting.  Upon his institution of two extraordinary appeals, the Supreme Court returned the case to the High Court for re-trial and the High Court reconvicted him to life imprisonment eventually.


Translated by Corrina Wu
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