If piracy rate decreases by 10%, there will be a 60% increase in IT output value

E030416Y3 May. 2003(E44)

 Business Software Alliance (“BSA”) yesterday announced the research report on “expansion of global economics: benefits of lowering software piracy” which it had appointed International Data Corporation to make. According to the report, as long as the piracy rate of Taiwan decreases by 10%, the output value of IT industry in Taiwan will raise from the present 5 billion US dollars to 8.1 billion US dollars in 2006. In terms of the whole world, if the piracy rate decreases by 10% within the coming four years from 40% in 2001, there will be an increase of over 400 billion US dollars to the global economics, 1,500,000 employment opportunities and tax revenue in 64 billion US dollars.     


 The report shows the piracy rate of Taiwan as 53%, ranking 7th in the Asian Pacific area, falling behind Vietnam (94%) and China (92%) that rank 1st and 2nd separately.       


Translated by Joanne Lue
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