Astonishing extravagant profits as evidenced by the seized machines for producing pirated products and worth of over one hundred million

E030507Y6 Jun. 2003(E45)

   The prosecutorial and investigative authorities recently uncovered a case in an industrial zone where a lawful factory gave cover to illegal piracy. The injection moulding machines for optical disks and the printing appliances used by the factory are very novel. There were total three sets of machines providing three production lines and worth of over one hundred million and the scale of such machines is very huge.


   As evidence by the facilities invested with considerable money and the act of leasing a lawful factory in an industrial zone to conduct the illegal act of piracy, the profits gained from piracy of optical disks are clearly astonishing, and no wonder the lawless persons would make a reckless move to invest a lot of money in piracy business.
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