Judicial Yuan withdraw the relevant bill for law amendments as legislators opposed against the non-gratuitous system of administrative proceedings

E030506Y9 Jun. 2003(E45)

    An article contained in the “Bill for amendments to the Code of Administrative Proceedings” states that non-gratuitous system shall be adopted in administrative proceedings. However, the Judiciary Committee of the Legislative Yuan reserved the aforesaid article during examination of the bill the other day. After its study, the Judicial Yuan decided to withdraw the article concerning the non-gratuitous system to prevent affecting the legislative progress of the bill. In the future, there will be no need for the public to pay court costs for initiating an administrative proceeding.


    The Judicial Yuan indicated that the collection of court costs was designed legislatively to prevent one from abusing his right to sue. Currently there are many administrative proceedings initiated as a result of abuse of rights to sue, in which case the judicial resources are consumed seriously and the efficiency of proceedings for other administrative cases are affected. Moreover, “payable by consumers” has become a trend in the new era.
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