Intellectual Property Office made a large investment in building digital knowledge database

E030531Y9 Jul. 2003(E46)

   In order to enhance its competitive power, the Intellectual Property Office scheduled to invest 1.1 billion NT dollars within five years in digitalizing more than two million pieces of patent information and building a digital knowledge database.  In the future, a global “patent map” will be formed through searching and analysis.  This will lead enterprises to achieve considerable effect and efficiency in the innovation of products and upgrade of added values of the products. 

   “Upon the entry to the time of knowledge economy, the traditional manufacturing tends to gaining meager profit progressively.  Differential and integration become the optimum projects for enterprises to resolve problems.  Only the addition to value and innovation can afford to fight the economical recession.  The Intellectual Property Office will strive to integrate resources to help enterprises make innovations.”, said the Deputy Director General of the Intellectual Property Office, Cai Hui-yan.
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