Microsoft and Chung Hwa Telecom Join Hands to Establish Digital Media Center

E030912X5 Oct. 2003(E47)

   Microsoft Taiwan, on the first day of the month, stated that they’ve signed an agreement with Chung Hwa Telecom’s HiNet to establish a long-term cooperation in technology and marketing, to form a digital media development framework, and to undertake a mutual development in digital media production, delivery, management and other applications and services.  This is the first time Microsoft establishes an overseas digital media development framework. The core of this project between these two companies is focusing on the audio-visual streaming media applications and technology research.

The short, mid, and long-term goals regarding the establishment of this framework are as follows. Short term: introducing Microsoft’s digital media platform, technology and resources to link up the value-added services of hiNet, like hiChannel, hiMusic, hiLearning, etc., and consequently to enhance the service quality, functions and magnitude, as well as to help HiNet obtain more popular digital contents through Microsoft’s worldwide cooperation with content suppliers. The mid-term goal is for Microsoft and Chung Hwa Telecom to select mutual content within the digital media field, and set underway the development and experience exchange of technology and market research, in hope to achieve a high performance in a global content internet, audio-visual service of high quality and guaranteed load capacities, content encoding, technology and digital copyrights management, customized player and server application research and development. The long-term goal is for Chung Hwa Telecom to form an alliance with Microsoft in technology, market research and development in the field of digital media, and to become the digital media center in Chinese market and the Asia Pacific.

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