Judges in charge of Civil Action Can Be Chosen By Mutual Agreement Between Both Parties

E030905Y6 Oct. 2003(E47)

The new system that the judges in charge of civil action can be chosen by both parties’ mutual agreement will be put into effect today, which is practiced in seven basic level district courts in total, including Taipei, Shilin, Panchiao, Taoyuan, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung district courts for one year. After the one-year practice, the courts will decide whether to suggest the Legislative Yuan either extending the practice or expanding the practice to other courts or putting a halt to the practice.

    The new system also adopts a design of “direct appeal” (飛躍上訴) in the third instance. In the new design, the judgment rendered in the first instance is almost finalized in the practical trial. However, whether the losing party requests the judgment to be reversed due to disagreement with the judgment, deceit from attorneys, questioning the court’s decision made on basis of inadequate information, and other reasons is worthy of further observation.
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