Restrictions on Foreign Investment in Taiwan’s 15 Major Industries Abolished, the New Range of Limitation to be Declared Soon

E030911Y8 Oct. 2003(E47)

   In responding to Taiwan Business Alliance Conference held in October and the abolishment of investment ceiling in the amount of 3 billion USD of Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors (QFII) at the end of the year, large sums of investments will probably cram in. The Council for Economic Planning and Development has discussed the proportion limitation on foreign investments in 15 major industries, and plans to announce the new range of limitation soon.  It is certain that the proportion limitation on foreign investments of the following industries will be abolished, that is, mining, the mineral deep-sea oil extraction, supporting service to transportation, and wired radio and television broadcasting. Industries with more listed companies such as telecommunications, air transportation, and supporting service to air transportation, will hopefully become the target in the next round.

    In the current law, the 15 major industries with restrictions on foreign investment proportion include: mining, deep sea oil extraction, supporting service to transportation, wired radio and television broadcasting, electric power supply, gas fuel, postal services, telecommunications, air transportation, supporting service to transportation, railway transportation, ships registered under the Republic of China, wireless radio and television broadcasting, satellite radio and television broadcasting.
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