Speedy Immigration Inspection and Clearance of Foreign Businesspeople, Application to be Accepted at the End of September

E030904Y9 Oct. 2003(E47)

   In response to the European Chamber of Commerce’s request, the Council for Economic Planning and Development passed the bill of “Operational Regulations Governing Speedy Immigration Inspection and Clearance of Foreign Businesspeople” yesterday, agreeing to issue “speedy clearance cards” to foreign businesspeople, who enter/exit the State frequently.  Holders of the card can speedily clear immigration inspection to enter the State at designated inspection counters so as to save time for waiting and filling out forms.

The bill stipulates that the following foreign businesspeople may obtain the qualification of speedy clearance if they have been recommended by foreign chambers of commerce, or if they apply for recommendation directly to the Investment Commission of Ministry of Economic Affairs and are examined and given approval by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. Foreign businesspeople who may speedily clear immigration inspection are:

(1)  Those who have invested over NT$50 million in the State;

(2)  Those who have been the executives or the managers of businesses in the State with capital from overseas Chinese or foreigners or of the multinationals who are posted in the State;

(3)  Those who have been employed by local businesses as executives or managers; or

(4)  Those who have made contributions to the economy of the State.

    An official of the Ministry of the Interior stated that at the end of September, the application for the speedy clearance of foreign businesspeople would be accepted. After examining and approving the application, the Ministry of the Interior will post the name list on the website of Immigration Office National Police Agency (http://www.immigration.gov.tw/).  Holders of the “speedy clearance cards” will not have to fill out the entry and exit sheet and speedily enter and exit the State through the special counters of APEC Business Card. The qualification for speedy inspection and clearance will be valid for one year.
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