Income Taxes Of Expertise Shareholders Should Be Levied Next Year.

E031009Y9 Nov. 2003(E48)

Expertise shareholders are not exempt from taxation. The Taxation Agency of the Ministry of Finance, R.O.C. stated yesterday that, as long as the shareholders utilize the intangible assets like expertise, goodwill and patent et al. as the stock payment, the amount more than the stock cost should considered the income from the property transaction and therefore they should declare in their income tax.


The intangible assets such as expertise is considered a kind of property, and the act of investing the intangible assets in other companies by any individual or profit-seeking enterprise is considered the act of transferring the intangible assets of their own to the invested company, that is, exchanging the intangible assets for the stocks issued by the invested company, which is considered the exchange for assets of different kinds. For the above reasons, taxes for the exchange of assets in the investment should be levied based on the breakeven calculation.

   The shareholders of a company may invest in other companies with the assets exclusive of cash. Besides the intangible assets, such assets may include fixed assets, stocks of other companies and so on. Taxes of the latter two assets in the investment are required to be levied. Accordingly, taxes of the intangible assets utilized in the investment by the shareholders of a company should also be levied on the justified ground.
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