The First Legally Authorized Download Platform of Digital Music In Taiwan Is Born.

E031111X3 Dec. 2003(E49)

Upon the conflagration permeating through the online music industries and recording industries, the music download platform ( which claimed that it was the first legal platform in Taiwan was established yesterday. The Ibiz Entertainment Technology Co. of ERA Group united the 15 recording industries in Taiwan, collected 500,000 songs and scheduled to have them online at the end of the year. For the time being, the said platform still discussed the charging standard with the recording industries. The ideal price for each song will be NT$6 ~ NT$10. At the preliminary stage, the platform expected to recruit 200,000 members.


The director of ERA Digital Media Co., Ltd, Ciou Fu-Sheng (邱復生) stated that the iTunes Music Store established in April this year by the Apple Computer sold out 200,000 songs in a day, equaling to 25% of the yearly sales value. Obviously, this was a market that worth entering. IMUSIC united the 15 recording industries in Taiwan and invested NT$100,000,000 to purchase the royalty of the 500,000 songs, expecting to install the concept of “user paying” into the consumers with the cheap price. (2003.11)


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