Assistant Secretary of American Chamber of Commerce paid a visit; prevention of illegal software and pirated CDs needs beefing up, he said

E020125Z3 Feb. 2002(E30)

Assistant Secretary of American Chamber of Commerce, Mr. William Lash, is the first incumbent official from the American Chamber of Commerce to visit Taiwan for policy issues since 1986.  Mr. Lash expressed that the priority of Taiwan at present is to do a good job on the protection of intellectual property rights.  Additionally, he also indicated that the US hopes to further the work of liberalization through the signing of regional trade agreements on the foundation of WTO.  Mr. Lash said that the signing of Taiwan-US free trade agreement will be discussed in the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) to be held this year.


Source: Liberty Times 01/25/2002

    Translated by Jem Chung
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