Biggest raid actions against counterfeits throughout history to be taken by the prosecutor’s offices and the official investigation units after the Lunar New Year

E020128Y6 Feb. 2002(E30)

The Intellectual Property Office of the Ministry of Economic Affairs is positively setting into motion the biggest raid actions against counterfeits throughout history.  The raid action should be taken in a couple of days after the Lunar New Year. The pattern of the raid actions will follow the precedent of searching vote-buying. The prosecutor’s offices and the investigation units will adopt the system of jurisdictional responsibility. If counterfeits located in the jurisdiction of a prosecutor’s office or an investigation unit are raided by any other prosecutor’s office or investigation unit, the jurisdictional prosecutor’s office or investigation unit will take the responsibility for delinquency.


According to the Special 301 List announced by the U.S. last year, this country was upgraded from the “Watch List” to the “Priority Watch List.”  This country urgently enacted the “Optical Disk Law” to reconcile the pressure from the U.A. trade retaliation.  However, the U.S. customs uncovered counterfeit Taiwanese optical disks and valued over 100 million US dollars in early November last year.  As a result of investigation, part of the counterfeit disks were transited via Taiwan.  What made the trade officials worry even more is that no precedent has been made since the Optical Disk Law was legislated.  Therefore, this county may face more pressure before and after the U.S. announces the Special 301 List in the end of March or early April.


Source: Economic Daily News 01/28/2002

    Translated by Joanne Lue
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