Patent action between Sony and Lite-On rounded off

E020103X1 Feb. 2002(E30)

Last October Sony raised the issue of increasing royalties of Lite-on IT Co., the largest CD-ROM manufacturer in Taiwan, payable to Sony.  This issue may reach a settlement recently.  It is understood that Lite-on has agreed to accept the license of a new patent offered by Sony, and it will pay part of the royalties.  However, the increase of the royalties is far lower than 1% as it is rumored.  Moreover, Sony promises that it will place more orders for CD-ROMs with Lite-On this year.  Most importantly, both sides have decided that in addition to the existing CD-ROM products there will be new modes of cooperation coming up this first half year.


Source: Commercial Times 01/03/2002

    Translated by Jem Chung
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