Sanyang and Honda terminated 40-year cooperative relations

E020111X5 Feb. 2002(E30)

Sanyang Industry and Honda respectively announced yesterday (January 10, 2002) that the both of them had terminated their cooperative relations.  Honda schedules to set up a corporation in Taiwan in March of this year, in order to establish a sales and maintenance network for Honda motorcycles and autos in Taiwan, which will be positioned as a supply center of spare parts in Asia Pacific.  Sanyan will seek a new partner, which schedules to announce the new partner at the end of this month and start manufacturing new locally-made cars as of September.


Honda Taiwan will assume as a core enterprise responsible for promoting Honda’s business in Taiwan and set up a sales and maintenance service center at the beginning.  In the future, Taiwan will play a role as the industrial center of spare parts in Asia-Pacific area of Honda’s global market, supplying Honda’s local automakers in Taiwan and neighboring countries with relevant spare parts.  In a long-term plan, Honda will engage in manufacturing cars in Taiwan.

   Source: Economic Daily News 01/11/2002, 01/10/2002

              China Times 01/11/2002

   Translated by Corrina Wu
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