Government to subsidize 50% to enterprises setting up regional R&S centers in Taiwan

E020219Y5 Mar. 2002(E31)

To break through the limitation that the Statute for Upgrading Industries cannot offer tax preference to “R&D centers” only, Council for Economic Planning and Development, Executive Yuan yesterday (18) passed the draft of “Program for Promoting R&D Centers for Industry Originality” submitted by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.  Public, private, domestic or foreign enterprises which set up regional R&D centers in Taiwan will get 50% subsidiaries from the government which has chosen IBM, Fujitsu and Sony and other transnational big enterprises to invest R&D centers in Taiwan.


The “Sci-Tech Development Fund” which used to belong to the National Science Council has been upgraded to the level of the Executive Yuan after the “Science & Technology Basic Law” was passed. The fund serves the function of meeting the needs of national sci-tech development plans, improving sci-tech R&D environment and subsidizing to bring in talents, etc.  Council for Economic Planning and Development resolved yesterday (18) to use the National Sci-Tech Development Fund of Executive Yuan to subsidize the expense of buying computer hardware for new R&D centers and the personnel expense and depreciation fees of a fixed number of years to the ceiling of 50%.


Source: Liberty Times 02/19/2002

    Translated by Joanne Lue
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