Six major British and American book publishers filed a joint complaint; Taichung police and prosecutor searched copy shops near colleges

E020313Y6 Apr. 2002(E32)

In light of the possible copyright infringement by students' copying foreign-language books with help from copy shops near colleges in Central Taiwan, six foreign book publishers recently filed a complaint with the Taichung District Prosecutor's Office.  The prosecutor and police yesterday (Mar. 12) formed ten groups to search ten copy shops nearby six colleges, including National Chung Hsing University.  A large volume of book copies and copy requests were brought back as evidence.  Nine of the copy shops' responsible persons interrogated by the prosecutor admitted copying books for students. 


According to Articles 51 and 65 of the Copyright Law, works may be reproduced to a reasonable extent for non-profit personal or family use.  The so-called "reasonable extent" is different case-by-case.  However, copying a book from cover to cover has clearly exceeded the so-called "reasonable extent".


Source: Liberty Times 03/13/2002

    Translated by Jem Chung
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